December 14, 2023
RGD Supports Anniversary Arbitration Conference of ICC Russia in Moscow

On December 13, the XV Annual Arbitration Conference of ICC Russia was held in Moscow, with Rybalkin, Gortsunyan, Dyakin and Partners (RGD) as the major sponsor.

This year the event celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Today, it is not only the oldest and most reputable arbitration institution in the world but also the absolute leader in the number of arbitration cases handled. At the conference, the court’s representatives spoke about the most significant results of the century, discussed the current difficulties, innovations, and plans, and shared some practical advice.

The first session was moderated by Dmitry Dyakin, RGD Partner and Co-Head of Dispute Resolution Practice. The speakers and participants discussed the challenges and prospects of arbitration in the era of global turbulence.

Anthony Walker, RGD Partner and Head of English Law Practice, gave an overview of the Boris Mints case during the second session, which was devoted to arbitration proceedings in the context of economic sanctions.

Vadim Vunukainen, Senior Associate at RGD’s Dispute Resolution Practice, moderated the round table discussion titled “Practical tools for effective arbitration on behalf of sanctioned parties.”

The event ended with an evening cocktail and networking.


Rybalkin, Gortsunyan, Dyakin and Partners (RGD), a leading law firm established in 2018, which combines a premier dispute resolution practice and a high-end corporate practice dedicated to complex projects and transactions.

From our offices in Moscow, Yerevan, Tashkent, Belgrade, Dubai, and Ras Al Khaimah we support clients from all over the world in their business dealings in our key practice areas involving Russia and CIS countries. In addition, our firm offers unparalleled expertise in foreign legal matters to Russian companies with significant international presence.

We are a cohesive team of seasoned professionals with a background in leading international law firms.


Our lawyers have worked on the largest corporate deals, investigations and disputes in the history of modern Russia and represented Russian companies in over 170 jurisdictions worldwide.

Contact person:

Maria Bannova
+7 (495) 139 65 00

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